Let’s Talk Bookish: How Have Your Reading Habits Changed Over Time?

Happy Friday everyone, and welcome to the weekly Let’s Talk Bookish post! Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme, hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books & Dani @ Literary Lion, where we discuss certain topics, share our opinions, and spread the love by visiting each other’s posts. Today, we’re discussing how our reading habits have changed over time, a topic suggested by Lydia @ Lydia Schoch.

Until a few years ago, the books I read were mostly middle grade and classics. I had an obsession with books that had won awards, resulting in me owning almost an entire shelf of Newbery Medal books to this day. Back then, I wasn’t really concerned with how many books I read or how fast I read them or how diverse they were. Reading was something to do in my free time, but nothing to stress about.

That all changed with the advent of YA in my life. After reading the Hunger Games trilogy and becoming obsessed with Divergent and dystopians in general, I threw myself into devouring books whole. I discovered book blogs and was awestruck (and slightly terrified) by the enormity of people’s TBRs. Little did I know that one day I would come to possess a TBR list of similar magnitude.

Thanks to joining the blogging community, I’ve become more aware of what kind of books I’m reading, as well as the possibility of reading and loving problematic content. I’m now reading from so many different genres, including YA, romance, classics, middle grade, and much more. This has helped me to read many more books per year than before, and sharing my opinions about the books I read on my blog is something I always look forward to.

But while the evolution of my reading habits has brought about many positive effects that I wouldn’t trade for the world, I do sometimes worry about how my attitude towards reading has changed because of how big my TBR has become. I love sticking to a schedule, even for reading, and I tend to micromanage my reading schedule so much that I find myself stressing about how much I have to read on a certain day and forcing myself through a set number of pages just to cross the item off my mental to-do list. That’s a definite contrast from before.

But that’s on my personality and how it has changed through the years. All in all, I think my reading habits have changed for the better. Book blogging, in particular, has been crucial in opening my eyes to the variety of genres and formats out there. The online reading community has introduced me to so many fantastic books out there that I never would have discovered on my own. Virtual hugs for all of you!

That’s it for today! How about you? How have your reading habits changed over time? What genres do you primarily read? Chat with me in the comments!

11 thoughts on “Let’s Talk Bookish: How Have Your Reading Habits Changed Over Time?

  1. Very well written ! And I couldn’t agree more….I joined 2 -3 months ago only but I have been reading more diversely…
    And am actually aware of problematic authors and contents….the book community is ever so supportive and always spreading awareness and having thought provoking discussions on such things

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  2. I also feel that blogging helped me to expand my reading horizons into reading genres and books I might never have considered otherwise! It’s wonderful that I’ve opened up to new and different books, especially more diverse books that would have slid under the radar for me even five years ago.

    However, I also agree with you that my TBR has become a massive monster that I shudder to think about. I get stressed about how many unread books are sitting in my home and how fast I should be reading in order to keep up with my blog schedule. How many ARCs I need to get through. How many backlist books I’ve had one my TBR for years. It’s sometimes hard for me to remember that I’m reading because I love it!

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    1. I can’t imagine what my reading life would be like if not for the recommendations of the bookish community. Blogging has definitely helped me to step more and more out of my comfort zone, though I still have a long way to go!

      Yep, I also sense myself sometimes losing sight of my original love for reading. When I find myself stressing out over the schedule I’ve set for myself, I like to take a moment to remind myself that reading is for fun, not a job that has to be completed. I shudder to think about what would happen if I just one day completely gave up on reading because of the stress it shouldn’t bring!

      Thanks for reading, Dani! 🥰

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