The Anonymous Bookaholics Tag!

Happy Thursday everyone! Today, I’m bringing you the Anonymous Bookhaholics Tag! Emily @ Frappes and Fiction nominated me for this tag, and if you aren’t following her already, you should go do that before continuing with this post. Thanks again, Emily, for the nomination, and let’s get started!

The Questions

What do you like about buying new books?

You know, I’ve never thought about this. I don’t know why I like buying new books. I just do. The smooth, unblemished dust jacket/paperback cover, the coolness of the pages beneath my fingers, that feeling of being about to take part in something new and maybe even life-changing. Holding a copy of a portal into another world in my hands and knowing that it’s mine to keep. It’s amazing.

How often do you buy new books?

About once a month. Whenever I visit other book blogs, I’m in constant amazement of how many books members of the reading community manage to buy and finish in such a short period of time. I can’t even imagine.

Bookstore or online book shopping: which do you prefer?

Agh don’t make me choose. Bookstores have their own special kind of magic and I wouldn’t replace them for the world. But when I go online book shopping, I’m assured that every book that gets shipped to my house is brand-new and relatively untouched by humanity. But I still can’t choose. Let’s call it a tie.

Do you have a favorite bookshop?

Barnes & Noble. I love it there. Besides, where I live, we have no bookstores except for Barnes & Noble.

Do you pre-order books?

I don’t make a habit of it, but in very special circumstances, yes. The books I pre-order are the books that I’m so excited for that I’m counting down days to release.

Do you have a monthly buying limit?

Usually 2-3 books a month. Again, it’s very few compared to other book bloggers, but I always have books on my physical TBR to catch up on, as well as my good friend Libby to help me out.

How big is your wishlist?

Gargantuan. Humongous. Mammoth. Very big.

Which three books from your wishlist do you wish to own right now?

A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer — That January 2021 release date is staring me in the face but OH MY GOSH I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE YESTERDAY. The cover was released recently and LOOK AT THAT CRIMSON BEAUTY. I swear if my loves Grey, Lia Mara, and Tycho (and Harper) don’t get their happy ending I might go break something. And I guess I wouldn’t mind a redemption arc for Rhen. But I’m still unashamedly on #TeamGrey. (Goodreads)

Rent a Boyfriend by Gloria Chao — This contemporary sounds cuter than a book has any right to be. An Asian American community? Rent for Your ‘Rents? An artsy fake boyfriend? Fake dating?!?! Yes, pleaseeee. (Goodreads)

Beach Read by Emily Henry — This summery read has been everywhere in the blogging community. Not only did that blurb hook me immediately, I’ve read rave reviews about its more serious undertones, and I LOVE fluffy romance with serious undertones. I can’t believe that I haven’t gotten my hands on this book yet. (Goodreads)

I Tag…

Linda @ flourishreader
Nefeli @ BiblioNebula
Kristin @ Kristin Kraves Books
Sara @ Words With Wings
Aria @ Book Nook Bits

No pressure at all if you’re not interested in doing this tag! And sorry if you’ve already completed this tag — you can just ignore me and go back to reading! 😂

That’s it for today! How about you? Have you completed this tag? (If so, please feel free to drop a link in the comments so I can check it out!)

What’s your favorite bookstore? What books are on your priority wishlist? (Tell me I’m not the only one with a priority wishlist?) Thanks for reading!

8 thoughts on “The Anonymous Bookaholics Tag!

  1. Hi Abby! Thank you for tagging me!! ❤ Really enjoyed reading your version of the tag. On goodreads I made a shelf called "wishlist-aka-books-i-need" where I frequently add books I -, well, books I just need to have, haha. I don't buy new books that often because I usually go to my local library so actually buying books is something special for me. Whenever I do though, I always think a lot about which edition to buy and so on. Sometimes it's a real struggle but it's always fun. I often "pre-order" books online and then go into the book store to buy them (weird system I know).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to see I’m not alone with my priority wishlist! Until recently, I actually had two separate “priority” wishlists for books I really, really wanted vs. the books that I absolutely needed. It was weird, but hey, it worked? 🤷‍♀️😂

      I spend SO long deciding which edition of a book to purchase. Hardcover or paperback? Collector’s edition? The one with the add-on short story? The cheap one? People in real life never understand these bookwormish struggles. 😂😂

      Thanks for reading, Linda! 💛💛

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for the tag, Abby!! These are such fun questions, and I’m so excited to answer them! I loved reading this too. I agree with so much of this; buying used books can be cool, but having new books… so amazing!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for tagging me! These are some really fun questions and answers. I agree with almost everything you said, especially about buying new books (it’s truly a magical experience!) and I’m excited to answer these too!

    Liked by 1 person

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