The Month(s) in Books: Jan & Feb 2021

Hello everyone!! I am so sorry to say this over halfway through the month, but happy March, otherwise known as Women’s History Month! 🙋‍♀️💃 And I just realized I never wished you all a happy Black History Month — I had a couple of posts I wanted to get up to honor the occasion, but I guess those never came to fruition… hopefully sometime soon!

But anyway. Time is really speeding by, isn’t it? We’re already around 20% through 2021, and in just a week or so we’ll be a whole quarter through this year! It’s absurd, I tell you. The past two months have been SO crazy school-wise, what with the craziness of a new school semester and a ton of assessments that my teachers suddenly decided to dump on me all at once. As a result, I haven’t been able to get as much reading done, which is sort of disappointing, but we take what we can get, y’know? But I’m hoping that the worst of the chaos is mostly over now, so I’ve decided to (finally) sit down and give you all a very overdue wrap-up of my January and February! I’ve also sort of changed my wrap-up structure, so let me know what you think of it in the comments! Hope you enjoy 💜



Daughter of the Reich by Louise Fein. I chose this WWII HF as my first book of the year, and it was such a powerful read. Reading from the perspective of a Nazi was very difficult (please be careful with the triggers!!) but following Hetty’s journey as she realizes the error of her ways was so worthwhile. While I wasn’t the biggest fan of where the story went during the last third — the plot twists felt a bit pointless, and overall I feel like the ending straddled the line between realistic and just plain unsatisfying — it’s still worth reading for Hetty’s character development and the important message. ★ ★ ★ ½

▶︎ Click for trigger warnings

Near-drowning, infidelity, graphic violence & death, concentration camps, torture, vomiting, antisemitism & other Nazi sentiments, prejudice, sexual assault, abortion (mentioned, considered), thoughts of suicide, arson, loss of a loved one (sibling, friend), blackmail (Note: when I say antisemitism, I mean like Nazi-level antisemitism. Please be careful.)

Concrete Rose by Angie Thomas. My first five-star read of 2021 — how could I give it any less of a rating? In this prequel to The Hate U Give, Maverick takes center stage, and omg he is such a wonderful main character. I love him so much?? He’s portrayed so realistically, complete with all his flaws and mistakes and conflicting emotions. And Angie Thomas’s writing made me cry SO MUCH. It was just… so good?? How does she do this?? I just can’t deal with the level of this woman’s brilliance. And yes, I know I promised you guys a review, I promise it’s coming soon! ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

▶︎ Click for trigger warnings

Gang life, cheating, depression (postpartum), gun violence, racism, imprisonment, murder & attempted murder, death of a close family member (on-page), grief & loss depiction, sex (fade-to-black), smoking & drug use, teen pregnancies, abortion (mentioned, considered), substance addiction, toxic masculinity (general theme, challenged)


A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer. I’m sure you’re all sick and tired of me raving about this series, but sorry, I can’t help it 😅 What a ROLLERCOASTER of emotions. The A++ character development and relationships had me hooked me from the very beginning to the very end. Although I found that the plot was rather predictable compared to the first two installments, it’s still a worthy finale. You can find my review here (complete with trigger warnings) if you want to read my full fangirling thoughts. ★ ★ ★ ★

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. I actually had to reread this for school, which goes to show that not all required reading is horrible. We had such productive discussions in my composition class, and I even got to initiate one of them by bringing up some Goodreads reviews that complained about Starr’s reverse racism. As for the book itself, I found it even better than the first time around, which was like three years ago when I didn’t know a thing about Black Lives Matter. And of course, I gobbled up every scene Maverick got, especially in the aftermath of my Concrete Rose-induced book hangover. ★ ★ ★ ★ ½

▶︎ Click for trigger warnings

Vomiting, gun violence, arson, racism & prejudice, microaggressions, death of a friend (on-page, flashbacks), cancer, domestic abuse, child abuse, alcoholism, police brutality, drug use


As always, the members of the blogosphere published so many fantastic posts in January and February and I’d like to shout out some of my favorites in this section! If I don’t mention your work here, it’s nothing personal — you’re all amazing and I would include you all if I could ❤️

Other Media


“Congratulations” from The Hamilton Mixtape. I don’t even know what took me so long to check this song out, but omg it is so worth the hype. When Angelica sings “And a million years ago she said to me, ‘This one’s mine’ / So I stood by / Do you know WHYYYY?? / I know my sister LIKE I KNOW MY OWN MINDDDD / YOU WILL NEVER FINDDD ANYONE AS TRUSTING OR AS KINDDDD” — ughhh CHILLLSSSS. Renée Elise Goldsberry’s version is honestly hard to beat (you can see her rendition in this video), but Dessa’s voice does a wonderful job of capturing the vibe of the song.

Abigail Barlow (left) and Emily Bear (right)

Bridgerton: The Musical. I’m not even on TikTok, and I haven’t even watched Bridgerton, but I somehow got swept into this frenzy… and I have no regrets. Two brilliant young women named Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear have been writing a musical based on the Netflix series Bridgerton, with live TikTok updates for their already-considerable fanbase. Their songs are AMAZING, and they’re both so talented (Abigail writes the most beautiful lyrics and has a gorgeous voice, and Emily is a literal piano prodigy). My favorite songs from them that I’ve listened to so far are “Ocean Away” (AND I CAN’T EVEN DRINK CHAMPAAAAAAGNE 🥂), “Balancing the Scale” (making sure their worth is always something that they know 🥺), and “Alone Together” (COLORED IN GREEN, GILDED IN GOOOLDDDDD 🖼), but literally everything they write is BRILLIANT. You can listen to their demos and learn more on their website.


February was definitely the month of K-dramas for me. I don’t talk about my love for K-dramas on this blog as much for whatever reason, but better late than never, right?

Mr. Queen. This was SO GOOD!! Hilarious banter + political intrigue + amazing character arcs + fascinating premise = 10/10 on the Abby scale. This one is essentially about a guy whose soul gets transported into the body of a Joseon queen and the hijinks that ensue, political and otherwise. My family is currently rewatching it and having as much fun as the first time around. Would definitely recommend. (Viki – all episodes free) [TW: blood & gore, knives & swords, death & murder, suicide attempt, medical stuff (needles), pregnancy, gun violence]

True Beauty. Girl has secret. Boy finds out secret. Girl tries to convince boy not to leak secret. Forced proximity, romance, and messy love triangle ensues. Standard K-rom-com formula 😂🤷‍♀️ This one was really cheesy and tropey but overall, I really liked it! I think it’s perfect for lovers of YA contemporary romance — but there is some potentially triggering content, so be careful with that. (Viki – first 4 episodes) [TW: bullying, cyber-bullying, suicide attempt & suicide, infidelity, death of a loved one (mother, friend)]

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo. This coming-of-age drama focuses on the eponymous weightlifting student Kim Bok-Joo, who struggles with her ideas of femininity when she falls in love for the first time. The whole thing was just me going awwwwwww 🥰 for all 16 episodes. The romance was SO CUTE — it’s a rivals-to-friends-to-lovers, so obviously I devoured that. I’m afraid you won’t be able to see this unless you have Viki Pass Plus, or you speak fluent Korean and don’t need English subtitles (OnDemandKorea). But if you’re able to watch it, it’s definitely worth trying out! [TW: eating disorder (binge eating), fatphobia, drug overdose, family estrangement, terminal illness]

The Shadow & Bone trailer. Because YES, this deserves its own section. I sort of died watching this?!?!?! Jessie Mei Li is AMAZING — whoever decided to cast this brilliant (half Asian!!) actress as Alina deserves a pay raise ASAP. Ben Barnes is rocking the Darkling act and he looks IMMACULATE doing it (you and I are going to change the world ahhhhh). And omg be still my Malina-shipping heart (DO NOT COME AFTER ME 😂), Archie and Jessie capture that friends-to-lovers vibe perfectly 😍 And YESS THE THREE SECONDS WE GOT WITH THE CROWS AHHHHH. Amita looks FANTASTIC as Inej and ahhhhhhh Freddy as Kaz. Though I’m still sort of bitter that Nina and Matthias were relegated to side roles, hmph. But anyway. You can bet I’ll be watching this series the moment it drops on April 23rd. Anyone else with me? (Or maybe I should ask anyone else not with me?)


February 17th marked the beginning of Lent! It’s traditional for Christians to give up things during this period as a reflection of Christ’s ultimate sacrifice, so I’ve decided to give up listening to my beloved musical theatre soundtracks, like I’ve done for the past two years. I’ve replaced them with some gorgeous Christian tracks I found on Spotify, so my brain these days is less Hamilton and Starry, and more Hillsong. It definitely got tough once weeks 2 and 3 set in, but I’ve since gotten used to it and I’m actually enjoying the experience now. You can find my Christian playlist here.

I mentioned in the intro that school has been really crazy, and my life has basically revolved around that fact for the past two months. Things have been especially rough the last couple of weeks, and I had a few mental health breakdowns, but we’re getting through this, one day at a time. I haven’t been reading the Bible too often recently, and I feel terrible, but hopefully I’ll be able to change that soon.

On a happier note, I got chosen as a scriptwriter for my school’s student-led musical production!!! As of writing this, the script is pretty much done, but it was such a great experience getting to exercise my writing muscles for the first time in a long while! 

The verses that got me through the past two months are Isaiah 57:18-19.

I have seen what they do, but I will heal them anyway! I will lead them. I will comfort those who mourn, bringing words of praise to their lips. (NLT)

This reminder of God’s mercy and faithfulness took my breath away and was a huge comfort to me when I first read it, so hopefully it provides you with some reassurance today ❤️

Looking Ahead

Well, we have exactly 12 days left in the month, so I don’t think this section will be too long 🙈 But here are the books I’m hoping to get to/finish by the end of March:

The Black Kids by Christina Hammonds Reed.
Requiem by Daniel Ståhl.
The Outlands by Tyler Edwards.
Lovely War by Julie Berry.

Four books isn’t too ambitious, right?? Especially since my spring break is starting in a week 🥳🥳🥳

Okay, I had a lot to say in this post, but you’ve finally arrived at the end. Thanks so much for reading, everyone! Please feel free to start a conversation in the comments — I’d love to know how your January and February went, and how your March is going so far!! Any new favorites you’ve discovered, bookish or otherwise? 

Wishing you all a great day (or night)! 💝

44 thoughts on “The Month(s) in Books: Jan & Feb 2021

  1. Abby!! ✨ Ahh I totally get you on increased workload at the start of the year, hope that you’re coping better now and do have a good break! Daughter of the Reich does sound like a powerful read – thank you for highlighting the incredible character development, I’ll be picking it up just for that! 🤗

    AHH CONCRETE ROSE – so happy to hear how much you loved it, I need to go pick it up and get full-focus on Maverick soon, he’s already a brilliant side character, I can’t imagine how much he would shine as the main lead. 🤩

    YESS THE SHADOW AND BONE TV SHOW!! I still need to go read the trilogy but by the looks of it, I’m hyped!! I’m with you, the crows do look the part and indeed, why couldn’t Nina and Matthias play bigger roles? 🥺

    Congrats on getting picked as the scriptwriter for your schools musical production! That’s such an amazing opportunity and I’m sure you did incredible. 💖

    Ooh do I spy Lovely War? 🤩 Hope that you enjoy that beautiful heartwarming read just as much as I did… lovely wrap up and have a wonderful rest of March, Abby! 💙

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahhh Cherelle!! I’m definitely doing better now, I just need to get through one more week and then I’m FREE!! 🥳 I hope you’re doing okay as well ☺️ And yep, Daughter of the Reich is a really hard-hitting book, and the character development is so on point — I hope you enjoy it whenever you get around to reading it! 😊

      And yesssss Concrete Rose is brilliant!! I loved Mav for the glimpses of his backstory we got in THUG, and believe me, my appreciation for his character only went uphill from there. Can’t want to hear what you think!!

      AHH SHADOW & BONE! I’ll have to agree with the general consensus and say that the SoC books are much better than the original trilogy, but you should definitely give it a shot when you have a chance! And that’s what I’ve been asking myself since day one 🥺 It’s probably too much to ask of the producers to include five whole main character arcs, but it’s still a bit of a letdown 🥺

      Aww thank you Cherelle! I submitted my application without any expectations, and somehow I got chosen?! But yes, it was definitely such an incredible opportunity 🥰

      And yes you do!! I’m finally getting around to it!! I’m about 20% in and I have thus far arrived at the very significant conclusion that James Alderidge is too precious for this world 😍

      Thank you so much Cherelle! I hope you enjoy the remainder of your March as well 💗


  2. Okay, this is a sign I need to watch True Beauty. I keep hearing about it but I haven’t watched a k-drama since It’s Okay to Not Be Okay came out. 😭

    Congrats on being chosen as a scriptwriter! That’s so exciting! My school only did a single year of a student-led play and only 1 of us wrote the script haha. We all participated in the acting though. 😅

    Your post has made me even more hyped for Shadow and Bone. Must get it read before the show drops!! Also can’t wait to see what you think of Lovely War when you get to it. I keep eyeing it but haven’t picked it up yet. 😊

    Great post Abby! I hope you have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oops, sorry for the late response, your comment got marked as spam for some reason 😢 But yes, True Beauty is perfect if you’re looking for some mindless K-drama fluff! 🥰 Ooh, I’ve been hearing a lot of great things about It’s Okay to Not Be Okay, what did you think of it??

      Aww thank you!! Wow, only one scriptwriter is very impressive. If I were left on my own to write the script my peers would probably sue me 😂

      Ooh yess I hope you enjoy the Shadow and Bone books when you get to them! I personally prefer the Six of Crows duology but I can definitely see why the original trilogy is considered a YA fantasy classic. I started Lovely War the other day and I’m loving it so far!! I hope you get a chance to read it soon 🤗

      Thanks so much Wren!! I hope your week is off to a great start ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have to apologize for the late reply too! 😅 The notifs get so confusing for me sometimes that I miss replying!

        It’s Okay to Not Be Okay is really really good! I loved how they approached so many difficult and sensitive subject matters in such a respectful way. I found myself crying a few times though so bring a few tissues maybe if you watch. 😊 I’m definitely going to start True Beauty soon. It’s been too long since I’ve gotten to watch a K-drama (jumped over to C-drama for a bit haha).

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that you went ahead and posted this even though we’re well into March. I posted my Feb Wrap up last weekend. Time is a flat circle right now anyway? Lol

    So cute that you give other blogs a nice shout out! I’m working my way through all of those posts now.

    I need to seek out your full reviews of A Vow So Bold and Deadly and the previous installments. I really loved the first book but read such bad reviews of the second that I didn’t ever dig into it. Is it worth my time!? I can’t decide! There are just so many books that I want to read and I don’t want it to ruin my love for the first book if I hate the second. HALP! : (

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oops, I was hoping nobody would notice that… 😂 Well, Einstein said time is relative, right? I have a bad feeling that the next post I’ll be writing is just going to be my March wrap-up 🙈😅

      Aww thanks! I’m happy to hear that you’ve been checking out those posts!! I hope you find some new blogs to follow 😊

      Ahhh yesss A Curse So Dark and Lonely was amazing! I’m afraid I’ve only reviewed A Vow So Bold and Deadly on this blog, but I absolutely adored the second book as well. I totally get your dilemma — a lot of people were divided on where the plot went in Book 2, but I personally think it’s definitely worth checking out, especially if you’re invested in Grey’s character. If you’re more of a Rhen person, you might want to proceed with caution, as he does some pretty controversial things and we don’t get his POV until the very end.

      Thank you so much Sarah! 💜

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post!! Oh my gosh weightlifting fairy is so cute!!!!!!!!! I recently read the Shadow and bone series and the trailer is so awesome😍 I must read the hate u give and concrete rose those two books have five stars everywhere!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Jan!! Ahhhhh yesss Weightlifting Fairy is adorable!!!! 😍😍 And omg the S&B trailer!! I’m just counting down the days till April 23rd at this point 🤩 Ooh THUG and Concrete Rose are definitely must-reads, I’d love to know what you think of them!!

      Thanks for stopping by, Jan! 💜

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Omg congrats on getting chosen as scriptwriter!! That’s huge and I’m so glad you’ve had that bright spot in a month that seems to have had quite a bit of school stress. I totally get that; I feel like March for some reason is always such a busy month studying-wise. Please just remember to be patient with yourself and hopefully things will be less stressful in the coming weeks!

    Ahh I’m so happy to see that you’re going to be reading Lovely War soon! It’s one of my favorite books ever, definitely my favorite historical fiction; I gave it five stars when I read it. I have a feeling you’re going to really enjoy it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thanks so much Sanah!! Your encouragement really means a lot 🥺 March always seems to be really stressful in terms of workload — it feels like my teachers are trying to squeeze in as much homework as possible before spring break starts 😫 But I’m hoping things will be a bit easier this week… just a couple more days and I get a whole nine days free from school!! 🥳

      Ahhhh yessss I’m so thrilled to hear Lovely War is one of your favorites!! I’m already around 20% in and I’m loving it so far!! 🤩

      Thank you for reading and leaving this lovely comment Sanah!! I hope you enjoy the rest of your March ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Trust me Abby, you’re not the only one suffering from Concrete Rose hangover 😅😂😂 Ahh, that book was just sooo good!!! 😍 I love Maverick, I love baby Seven, and most of all, I think I love Lisa!! A friend of mine currently has my copy of The Hate U Give, but once I get it back, I’m re-reading it ASAP to see what my new Maverick knowledge adds to the story 🤗

    Also, I love that you added a separate section for the Shadow and Bone trailer! I’m glad I’m not the only one obsessively fangirling over it 🤣 I really hope it lives up to our expectations! Though no, I did NOT know Nina and Matthias were degraded to side characters 🤨😥 As much as I love Kaz and Inej, that doesn’t mean the other Dregs aren’t absolutely epic, too!

    And also, can I just say that I love your new wrap-up style? 😊 And that I admire your fortitude for giving up musical soundtracks? I don’t think I could ever! And congrats on your scriptwriting breakthrough! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahahaha glad to hear I’m not alone!! I’m still not over how amazing Concrete Rose was 😭🥰 Maverick and baby Seven definitely stole the show for me, but Lisa was brilliant as well!! 🤩 Ahh yes I hope you enjoy your reread! I read THUG right after finishing Concrete Rose, and now I can’t imagine ever thinking of Maverick as a mere side character 😍

      I mean, that trailer deserves its own section and much more!! 😉 Ahh I’m so nervous that they’ll mess it up by some cruel trick of chance!! But I’m hoping that that’s not going to happen — I’ve heard that most members of the cast and showrunners have read both the Grisha trilogy and the SoC books, so that’s a good sign, right? 😌 But yes, that particular decision had me rather depressed. I guess five whole character arcs (minus Wylan, who they also cut from season 1 🤨) is a bit too much to ask, but it’s still disappointing 😓

      Aww thanks so much Naemi!! Ahaha believe me, I’m struggling 😅 Just two more weeks and then I can sing along to Starry at the top of my lungs again 😂 And thank you!! Hopefully this scriptwriting venture will motivate me to continue writing for fun 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, it’s always a great sign when the people involved in the adaptation actually put in the effort to read the source material! So despite them cutting down some really important characters, I have high hopes, too! 🤗 I haven’t been this excited for a new series in a while, so I really hope they won’t let us down!

        And I believe in you! Finally being able to belt Starry lyrics again in two weeks is going to be such a nice Easter treat and make the singing experience even more special 😉😂❤

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Ahh I love True Beauty! Weightlifting fairy is on my watch list and I cannot wait to read it soon! The concrete rose also high on my tbr and I’m glad you liked it! Hope you have a great March ahead ✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhhh yess both of those dramas are adorable — I hope you enjoy Weightlifting Fairy when you get around to it!! 🥰 And ahh Concrete Rose is incredible!!! Can’t wait to hear what you think 🤩

      Thanks so much Prutha!! The same to you 💖

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I totally feel you! I can’t believe March is almost over. School is such a energy and time suck.

    Congrats on being chosen for a scriptwriter! That’s awesome! AND giving up musicals for more than a week?!?! I could never!

    I’m halfway through A Vow So Bold and Deadly and I’m enjoying it, just not as much as the second book. Considering I like Grey, I actually enjoyed A Heart So Fierce and Broken!

    AHHH! I loved Renee’s Congratulations! I’m also not on Tik Tok but I can’t wait to finish the Bridgerton musical. I only listened to Ocean’s Away and Burn for You! I need to listen to the rest.

    Good luck on reading those 4 books before April and have an awesome rest of your March!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone with my school-related struggles! Time just seems like a theoretical concept these days.

      Aww thanks so much Eryn!! Haha it was definitely really tough the first couple of weeks — I think I was going through withdrawal 😂

      Omg that’s exactly how I felt when I first started Vow!! I adored Heart and was shocked to find that a lot of people hated it. But I hope Vow grows on you soon — can’t wait to hear what you think!

      YESS Congratulations is ~amazing~!! And ahhh you need to listen to the other Bridgerton songs!! They’re all so brilliant 🤩🤩

      Thanks so much Eryn!! I hope you enjoy the remainder of your March as well 😊


  9. I really enjoyed this wrap-up, Abby!
    I must admit to not having read any of Angie Thomas’s books, but after reading your thoughts on Concrete Rose, I may have to check it out. 😀
    I had no idea that there was going to be a Shadow and Bone show! To be honest though, I am still very new to the SoC world, considering the fact I am still reading Crooked Kingdom, but regardless the show sounds amazing!

    I am so sorry to hear that you’ve been having a rough time in regards to metal health, I hope that the next couple months are better!
    Congrats on getting to be a script-writer. 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Esmeralda!! Angie Thomas’s books are definitely worth checking out — they always destroy my feels and have such important themes 🤩 A quick heads-up that they aren’t exactly the cleanest books you’ll ever read, though, in case that’s an issue 😀

      Ahhh yess I’m so excited for the S&B show!! The producers have a full plate with how they’re planning to merge the storylines of the SoC books and the original Grisha trilogy, but I’m hoping that they’ll get it right! Ooh how are you liking the duology so far? I’d love to know what you think!

      Thank you for the kind words, they really mean a lot!! Things are definitely looking better, especially considering that spring break is just around the corner 🥳

      Thanks so much Esmeralda!! Your comments always make me smile 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Somehow you’re making me even more excited about reading all the books here that I haven’t gotten to yet!!! Specially A Vow So Bold and Deadly and the Hate U Give 😆

    I should really check out the Bridgerton musical too. I’m sure I’m gonna love it, but I’m always so worried that I won’t and that discourages me from actually giving it a try. But everyone is raving about it and you’re making me so excited about it too… AAGH I don’t know what to do 😅

    I don’t really watch K-Dramas, but my mom loves them. One of the very few I’ve seen is Boys Over Flowers and I LOOOVE it 😍😍 It’s one of the best shows I have ever scene, I definitely recommend it.

    I’m so glad you liked my post Abby, thanks for the mention! This was a lovely wrap up ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yess I hope you can get around to reading Vow and THUG soon, both of those books are fantastic!! So excited to hear your thoughts on them 😍

      Ahhh I get your dilemma!! That’s exactly how I feel when something is really hyped and I’m afraid of being disappointed 😭 But in this case, I think the Bridgerton songs are worth giving a shot! I hope you enjoy if you decide to listen to them — but even if you don’t, nobody’s going to come for you 😆😊

      Ahh yesss Boys Over Flowers is one of the classics!! I ADORED that one when I watched it years ago 😍 If you liked BOF, might I recommend The Heirs? It’s got a similarly messy romantic situation and even stars the same male lead 😉

      It was my pleasure, I loved that post!! And thank you so much 💖 I hope your week is off to a great start, Pilar!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you so much for mentioning my post!

    I love Kdramas! I watched the first couple episodes of True Beauty, but couldn’t finish it. I did read the source material though and enjoyed most of it 😂. The rest of the kdramas are on my to-watch list. Also can’t wait for Shadow and Bone. I just finished Shadow and Bone and I’m currently reading Siege and Storm.

    Congrats on being chosen as a scriptwriter!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem, it was my pleasure!!

      Ooh yess K-dramas!! I’ve heard the original webtoon of True Beauty is really good, I’m glad to hear you liked it! And Shadow & Bone 🤩 I’ll admit that the original trilogy didn’t blow me out of the water like Six of Crows did, but I can definitely see why so people love it. I hope you enjoy the rest of the series!!

      And thanks so much, Kimberly! 🥰 I hope you’re having a great start to the week 💖


  12. I love reading this post and seeing what you’ve been up to recently. I’m so glad you found some books you loved recently– I’m so excited to read Concrete Rose, although I need to read THUG first but Concrete Rose really appeals to me and what from I’ve heard I love the sound of Maverick’s character.
    It sounds like you’ve enjoyed some great K-Dramas, I really need to watch some of them. I love the sound of Mr. Queen 😍
    I’m been watching some Thai Dramas recently and they are very addictive 😅
    Congrats on getting to be the scriptwriter– it sounds like a wonderful experience to have as well.
    Thank you so much for sharing my post. I’m still feeling those emotions from A Sky Beyond the Storm 😭😂
    I hope you are having a good March ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thanks so much Sophie!! Yess you need to read Concrete Rose! Maverick is definitely such a complex but lovable character 😍 I don’t think your reading experience will be affected too much if you read Concrete Rose before THUG, but I hope you love both of them whenever you get to pick them up! 😊

      Ahh yess Mr. Queen is so good!! It’s one of the best K-dramas I’ve seen recently — and considering how many K-dramas I watch yearly, that’s saying a lot 😂 I haven’t watched any Thai dramas but I can definitely relate to being addicted 😅

      Thank you, Sophie! Scriptwriting has definitely been a lovely experience so far ☺️

      No problem, it’s my pleasure!! Believe me, you’re not alone there — my hangover from that book is still going strong 😭

      Thank you!! I hope you’re enjoying your month as well 🥰

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh Mr. Queen was incredible! Ah I’m sorry to hear the ending wasn’t your favorite — but it was definitely a satisfying conclusion 😊 And yess Ben Barnes is perfect as the Darkling 😍

      Thank you for reading, Tasya!


  13. Great wrap-up, Abby! I really have to read Concrete Rose, so glad you enjoyed it 🥰 And congratulations on being chosen as a scriptwriter, you will be amazing because you write with such personality 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  14. This was so enjoyable to read, Abby! I had missed reading your posts! ❤

    Daughter of the Reich sounds very intriguing. Reading from a Nazi perspective sure is difficult, but I believe it is important to do it in order to recognise and not forget the circumstances and ideologies that led to the rise of the Third Reich (we have to read critically, of course). After all, those who forget (or ignore) history are bound to repeat it.
    I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned but I must look into Angie Thomas’ works soon- they touch important issues and are getting so much praise!

    I didn’t know there was a Bridgerton Tik-Tok musical OMG! I only knew of the Ratatouille one 😂. I really admire the creativity of the people involved in these. I know I’d never come with such ideas! 😂

    I hope life and school work slow down soon, so you can rest and relax! ❤

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    1. Aww thank you so much Nefeli!! That’s so sweet of you to say 🥰

      Yes Daughter of the Reich was a very memorable read! It definitely accomplishes what you put so eloquently here. Seeing how the main character first develops her Nazi ideology and journeying with her as she begins to challenge what she’s been taught was very insightful and inspiring. In fact, if I’m remembering correctly, the epigraph of the book was actually a quote from Churchill that goes “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it” — you managed to pinpoint the lesson of the book without even reading it! 😂

      Yess Angie Thomas is a must-read!! Her books are absolutely brilliant — completely worth the hype, in my opinion! 😍

      Haha I’ve heard of the Ratatouille musical as well 😂 It’s so amazing to see how these people are taking advantage of new platforms to bring people entertainment during these times! The Bridgerton musical is especially fascinating because the audience gets to watch as the songs are written one by one 🤩

      Thank you so much Nefeli! Spring break just started yesterday and I am SO ready for the week ahead 😄

      Thank you for reading and commenting!! 💞

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